Filming Blog: Stayed up all night filming!

 Hey it’s me again, back at it. I finally am completely done with the filming process! My group and I met up again a little earlier than expected this week. This was super unexpected since my group mates and I have had fully booked schedules and had a hard time meeting in the beginning, so we took advantage and finished up filming. Before everyone arrived I made sure I had snacks and drinks to get us through the night of filming. I then set up all the props needed such as the knife, caution tape and book. I acted in many of the scenes that we filmed. I also filmed some more of the scenes I was not acting in. One of the hardest parts of filming for me was to get the lighting right. Since it’s a haunted horror theme it’s a dimmer set lighting. However, it was difficult at times for me to get the lighting bright enough to see the setting and actor but keep it dark to fit the genre. I also had to reshoot many of the shots in order to have a big enough area to fit my edited tiles in. My phone camera was extremely hard to use since it made the shots so small so, I found an old camera and used that for certain shots as well. My group and I did have to change our script and storyboard up quite a lot. Since we weren’t able to film in the location we wanted to we only had my room to film in. It worked out well however, part of my script was that we all get separated in the haunted house. We weren’t able to film since we only had one room so, we had to completely change our script up. I planned out each scene into my notes app though so,when we had to stray away from the script and storyboard we still knew what we were doing. We have to go back and change up our script but now that we are done filming it should be easy. At one point I also realized that we weren’t leaving enough time on each scene for the title to appear for more than a second or so. I told the group and we ended up having to reshoot multiple different shots which was a pain but in the end worth it. Im just glad I caught it before we all left at least and filming overall was tons of fun. Anyways that’s enough for today, peace out. 


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