Delay after Delay

 Hey it’s me again, back at it. There’s probably no surprise when I tell you that my group delayed our filming process yet again. The plan was to film on Thursday but I was sadly unavailable along with one other group mate, making it impossible to film. We are both main actors in the film so we didn’t even try to film. I was surprised with a vacation by my parents for the spring break. We ended up leaving Thursday to tour colleges in Florida. It was so much fun and I got to experience so many people and things. I was very excited seeing all of these colleges but my group and I really needed to start filming. Everyone in my group had props and are ready to get filming it was just the fact that it was so hard to get together. Right when I got home I got in touch with the group. We decided we needed to film the week we got back no matter what. I said we could all meet at my house and film the first few scenes on Monday night when we get back. One of my group member won’t be able to film on Monday. I was thinking we could just not film that shot/skip over it and film it the next time we got together. There is only one shot we are all in at the same time for the first few scenes so it shouldn’t be too hard. Either way I have decided that we are definitely filming that night since we can’t keep delaying. I told my group that I think we should all make our second filming date over the weekend. I know I can meet up with my group both Saturday and Sunday night. Most of the time weekends are hard for some of my group mates but I’m hoping our schedules align and we can get the filming all the way done. I am determined to finish our filming by the start of next week so we can edit and finish up this film. Anyways, next time I promise we will talk about how I filmed, peace out. 


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