Filmed The Opening Scene

 Hey, it’s me again back at it. Finally, my group and I were able to start filming our short film. Due to our recent delay in filming due to weather we rescheduled filming to today. I had everyone meet at my house at 3:30 with all of the props we would need for the first few scenes. One everyone got to my house I drove everyone to the empty street in my neighborhood where we could film the opening car scene. I was directing and filming this scene as my group mate Jack drove the car. The first scene was slightly difficult to film for me. I had to film a panning shot of the car and it was hard to time my filming with my group mates driving. Instead I suggested we show a wide shot of the car to show he is driving. Then I thought we should have our group mate sitting inside the car with a POV shot of what he’s seeing while driving. This plan was much easier to film and it in the end looked much better. It didn’t take long to film the rest of the first few scenes. This is because most of it was when the car is in park with Jack standing outside having a conversation with the guy who hit him. We did have to reshoot a few scenes of these signs multiple times though. This is because of the lighting of a few shots and we chose a few bad angles to shoot at and we needed to adjust it. For example, we had planned on using a close up to show the two people talking but I noticed it looked a little off with the rest of the scenes. I decided it would be best if we went with a medium long two person shot and it looked much better. Since I had work and my group mates were busy as well, we were only able to get the opening scenes filmed at my house done. I recommended we meet again over the weekend so we can film the scenes that require us to drive and film at other locations. Luckily, I am available this weekend and so are my group mates so I am planning on definitely meeting up to film. I also have continued to work on my website and also started my postcard. I used canva to make my postcard template. There are so many options on canva and I feel like the postcard styles they provide were extremely helpful in designing a postcard. It is a complicated platform however and I am not used to it yet but like the website making platform, I will figure it out soon.  The website is moving along smoothly and I have started to pick out more images and make more social media for it. Anyways that’s enough for now, peace out! 

This is the rough draft of the postcard template to see how Canva works! 


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